i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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What a crazy party! @ 5:29 p.m. on 2002-07-05

mmm after a long 8 hour shift, these fudge cookies are SOOOO good:) mmmmm.

Well lets get back to Wednesday night shall we. I was a DRUNKEN fool, im not proud to say that, and i KNOW i made a complete idoit of myself sometime in the night, but you know what, who cares, i had FUN! Tarah honestly, i dont think i would have had as much fun, if you werent there watching me, thank you with ALL MY HEART:)

Karen came over here around 7ish, and we waited for Lindsay, Tim, and Robin to show up, so we could go down to Alexs. We headed over around 9, and only Matt was there. Me and Karen put on some music, and the PARTY started:) We played a big game of soccer monkey in the middle, and than people started to show up! I think Tarah concluded there was like 40 people there the whole night. NOT TOO BAD!

So we played "killer kings" again. THAT GAME IS GREAT! I could tell you all how to play, but maybe another time. Alex had "W" CARDS in the deck so we added the "dare" component of the game. I think Matt had to drink water out of the pond in alexs backyard, Alex had to go next door and ask for toilet paper, and TAWNYA was dared to flash a car. Yes, This was a first for me my friends. I was also DRUNK off my ass at this point *i think i was on my 3rd smirnoff ice*. I did it, and there is a behind the incident picture! I also got the "killer king" and had to drink a cup full of smirnoff ice, beer, and vex. NOT THE BEST MIX in the world. I got PRETTY hammered and tarah and lindsay were acually taking my alchol away from me, because it was pretty bad.

After the game was probably the peak of when alot of people were there. This is where i draw a COMPLETE blank, and do not know what happened. Tarah told me yesterday i was lying on the grass, going crazy introducing myself to EVERYONE...What does come back to me is i was off towards the fence with matt. I dont know what we were talking about i just remember i kept hugging him, and we kissed a few times. He brought up me sleeping over. Of cource i wanted to, and i think my sister over heard us talk about it, because tarah straight out said i couldnt *man, i feel like a little kid talking about all this..but really i was a little kid that night, and tarah was LITERALLY babysitting me...and i feel like an idoit*. Tarah told me yesterday that during the night matt went up to her, and asked her if it was okay i sleep over, and that he would make sure i was okay, and that he would make sure i got home at 4. Tarah said he was really worried i would get in trouble, so they were just talking about what would be best. I did stay over til 4.

Oh man, so many goodtimes during the night:) Everyone started to leave around 12ish, and we moved the party inside. I think left was me, alex, matt, tarah, karen,navin,and sarah. They were making KD and killing the millions of bugs on the floor. The FUNNIEST was when Navin leaned down the pull off his socks, and HIS PANTS FELL down! HAHAHAHA that was gold. I was dead drunk, and so i left everyone and went up to bed. Matt followed me up, and i told him i REALLY wanted to sleep. *ya that didnt happen*.

Matt is different from alot of the guys ive "fooled around" with. Most of the guys i have been with have been really agressive and always making the first move. With matt it is different. I dont think i like it. I like when guys are more agressive *not scary agressive thou*. I mean i found myself making all the first moves, and im not a big fan of that.He told me he is shy and that he doesnt see what other people see in him. That is totally understandable i mean, im the same way sometimes. I mean we would start making out, than i would stop, and we would just lye there, waiting for him to make a move again. I remember lying there and saying "fuck this...i have a hot boy beside me, im going for it" so i just got on top of him, and we started going at it. It was ALOT different than last time. last time we talked more, this time we did alot more than just talk. I mean really, i dont feel like he is using me at all, and i feel comfortable with him, so why not. We arent hurting anyone. I can however never see us "going out", i dont know why, just this feeling i have. He is different from alot of guys im used to, so maybe i havent learnt to expect this kind of behaviour. Just two teenagers having fun:)

So i left at 4, dont remember walking home, but i sure as hell passed out when i got home. I acually had a good sleep, and wasnt hungover considering i was pretty fucked.

I metioned in my last entry that Alex was going to have another party. Well i got off work at 8 yesterday, and me and tarah headed over to Alexs around 9. Nothing was really going on, and that was cool, because i wasnt really up for a repeat of the night before. Matt came over around 9:30 and Navin showed up a bit later. We decided to go to Tim Hortons and Wendys, so we jumped into Matts car, and for an odd reason Navin went alone in his car. OH MAN,,,too much fun! ALex was yelling at EVERYONE on the drive there. After wendys we drove AROUND pickering, alex yelling crazy things to people."way to walk, no walk". "Hey your dad is cheating on your wife with ANOTHER man!".. We heade back to Alexs around 11:30, and watched some FUCKED up shows on TV. first there was this movie on showcase. NO STORY LINE WHAT SO EVER, just a bird, some naked girls in a pool looking for a necklace, and than the bird talking to people. it was fucked. Than we watched matchmaker and saw some gay guy on this date with this girl, whom put makeup on the guy. Ya i think we decided to call it a night after that!

Work today was GREAT fun! i worked from 8:30-5 in Africa with my buddy peter and the GL richard! THOSE GUYS ARE GREAT! The store was DEAD for 3 hours in the morning so me and peter made up all these games. TOO FUN..aww work is fun:)

i have tommrow off, and i dont know what im doing tonight or tommrow. OH WELL...whatever happens happens. This entry has taken me an hour to write, because PEOPLE like the distract me on icq...so bye bye

added-hahha, you know what is sad. My sister just showed me her cast. Tarah was like "tawnya, do you remember signing my cast on wednesday". BLANK. well i wrote "woo hoo". Man, tarah got all the people to sign that thing. Now here is the sad part. I havent known what matts last name was til reading what he wrote "Thanks for letting your sister Matt ______". *sorry i dont like giving peoples full names*. ya i suck.
