i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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Not a care in the world:) @ 12:11 a.m. on 2002-07-17

man o man, where do i begin?! How about we start with sunday.

I worked til 9ish on sunday, got home, got the car and headed to DQ to meet up with Lindsay, Tim, Robin, Alex, Tarah and Navin. They were having a ice cream party. woo. Matt showed up a bit later, we had a mini parking lot party, than headed over to Tim's. We watched two movie, L.I.E and A walk to remember. Ok L.I.E was one FUCKED up movie. I dont really recomind it unless your into incest, and older men being with young boys... A walk to remember, was so unbelievably corny, that we made fun of the whole movie. I dont see how anyone could cry during that movie, but thats just me;)

Everyone took off around 1:30ish. I was sleeping over at lindsays that night with tarah. We got pizza pizza first, heade back to lindsays, and went to bed around 3ish.

Robin picked us up around 11am the next day, and me and lindsay went bikini shopping. Well i pretty much tried on the whole store, and ended up getting a pink bikini top! We got some food, than went to the beach to meet up with the boys. Matt showed up first, followed by Alex and Navin. Ya i sure as hell got burned, but i asked for it. I was too white, and didnt put sunscreen on, cause i wanted colour, and i sure as hell got some. SOME NICE RED COLOUR that is. We left around 3ish, matt went to work, and the rest of us went back to lindsays and went SWIMMING! good fun in the pool:) The whole day we made big plans to go all out on saturday, go to a nice restuarnt, girls gonna wear nice summery dresses, the boys are gonna dress up for us, and DRIVE us:) wooo, they are even cleaning their cars for us:)

Alex drove us home around 6. Oh but the fun doesnt stop there. I got the car at 8, me and tarah picked up alex, and went to lindsay and robins soccer game. Afterwards the girls went home to shower, and me and tarah went back with alex to both our houses so we could pick up some stuff, and WATER GUNS *ie-gats!*. we went and picked up lindsay and robin, and headed to Navins baseball game. OH MAN, tooooo many jokes. Matt and Lisa showed up shortly after. HAHAHA, ya the whole game was making comments about the ump. He was pretty damn hot, and the whole night people kept telling me to go hit on him. "Ill play with HIS bat anyday!". "go hump the ump!"."oh boy, he is a screamer!" HAHAH too great. Ya we totally caused a big scene and went crazy for navin and his team! :) IT WAS soo much fun.

Now at the end of the game, i was sitting with lisa and lindsay. They totally egged me on to go talk to the ump, and it like energy built up SOO much in me, and i think the breaking point was when robin came over and told me to go for it. I said "what the hell, you only live once". I got up, walked right over to him *oh and he was SURE as hell talking off his shirt at the time, and i must say he had a NICEEEEE body!*. I put out my hand and said "hi, im tawnya" OH MY GOD, i swear my mind went blank. I started talking, but honestly i dont remember what i was saying. I asked him if he had a girlfriend and sadly he did. I told him "hey, AT least i cant say i didnt try!". I think people were shocked i ACUALLy did it. I shocked myself acually, because i dont think i have ever done that before. I normally totally CHICKEN out, and end up regreting it. Im chaning my outlook on life, and living it to the fullest and wanting to NOT regret things:) After doing that, i got the BIGGEST adrenaline rush EVER and was ready to go crazy!! We all piled into the cars, and headed to pizza pizza. The drive there was GREAT, we BLASTED old school green day, and all WENT CRAZY. i think alex got wip-lash or summin. HAHAH.

MMMM pizzza:) Ya we got two pizzas and wings, and pigged out. Goodtimes forsure:) Afterwards we all spilt into the two cars. One car being me driving, alex, tarah, robin and lindsay. The other being matt driving, navin and lisa. We got our "water gats" and hit the streets of p-town to get some people wet. OH MAN.....sooo much fun:) The greatest was the prositots on the greenbox, just lying there, asking for it! we got them sooo good, and even went for seconds! hahahah SUCKERS! Ya i know its terrible, but its ONLY WATER, and the look on peoples faces is priceless:P I think we all headed home around 1ish.

Today i worked 12:30-9. Wasnt TOOO bad. Had some stupid old man pretty much tell me i was an evil person because i worked at the zoo, and that im trying to steal from people, because of over-priced gifts. YA thats it buddy, im out to GET EVERYONE, because i totally set the prices for all the merchadice...fucker:P I talked to tarah well i was waiting to be picked up, and she told me we were going out again..haha, man tarah is like my planner, she plans everything for me:)

Robin picked us up and we got lisa, and went to loblaws to wait for alex to get off work. Lindsay was already there, i ate my mcshits, and we talked. Alex got off work at 10, and we headed back to his house to get the "gats". Navin came home shortly after. Robin started running thru alexs next store neighbours sprinkler, so i joined her. HAhA holding hands, running thru a sprinkler, how romantic! hahaha. We filled up with water, and spilt off into the cars. This time it was robin driving, me, lisa and navin. Alex driving, lindsay and tarah. OH man, there was ALOT more people out tonight. We had some great shots, and its funny because alexs car would get them first, and we would see the people get pissed off, and then we would get them again! hahaha "hey, SUCKERSSSS!". Man, you have to be there to understand. Ya im totally never walking around pickering at night time anymore, because im afraid of people like us! But at least we are considerate and use water. There are WORST things we could be using:)

Anyways i totally cant wait til saturday! Me and Tarah are inviting people to sleep over that night too, so itll be like camping, in our basement! woo hoo..Im having such a great time:) Not a care in the world:) good night:)
