i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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weekend of sleep @ 7:26 p.m. on 2001-05-13

hey hey....well my entry was on...ummm friday before work i think?! well i went ta work at 8 that nite..it was pretty busy..my cute sister was working..yayaa she is tooo nice:) ohh man....neways ya it was okay working..i felt weird. like i was acting weird with customer...it was funnnnn.

this dude who was my age *and also mighty cute* came to my till. he ordered a number 8..i started to walk away and he goes "u know what...." i GO "WHAT??" hahaha he laughed..i laughed..i think i scared him...he just waited the number 5 instead. he was cute. i gave him some extra fries:)

later that nite *like 15 before i left* i was puttin away some shit in the fridge. these dudes about a year older were making comments like 'i would hate to work on friday..blah blah"....i came back and was puttin the toys in a basket. one of the dudes was like "that amasing" i said "why". he said "well its great to see "chicks" working"..i laughed and said "not when ur working at mcdonalds"...all 4 of the guys jumped in and said "no that is great......too many girls reply on guys like us to give them money and work"...i agreeed...."ur an indepentant women" someone said...another guy jumped in and said "ur destinys child" HAHAHAHA "im a survivor..." we all started singing..HAHAHAHAHA oh man.

my mom came at 12. i felt great. i came home and was DEAD..i think i went to bed at 1am or so.

saturday i woke up at 9. i had a shower. again i felt like a million bucks:) left ta go to the main micky d's at 10:30..i needed a visor. i talked to scott, mike, and poncho. and my sis. i went to walmart micky d's.....man i dont even remmeber what happened..nothing too exciting i guess. my mom picked me up at 5 and we planned.,..WAIT. my DAD picked me up at 5...i was going to take my mom out for dinner and a movie *mothers day*..but dinner wont happen til later this week. we went to go see "bridget jones diary". go see it:) its a chick flick but SOO funny..oh man..my mom was cracking up, as was i. no tears in this one...just laughs:) it was great. i love my mom:) she rules:) newasy the movie ended at 9:30..i came home and watched *i have noo clue*...i feel asleep watching mad tv down stairs...i woke up at 5 and reliesed i did this..booooo and did not want to work.

i woke up this morning at 10. went to work at wally world for 12...i really wanted a cheeseburger but didnt have time...what the....after work i went to the mall.....i got a cd, perfume from the gap *new pink* IT SMELLS like pink lemonade:) woooooo....and some pink shades:) oh man..u better watch out for tawnya when she turns all pinky..i love wearing pink. its soo girly and makes me happy:) yayayayayayayayayayayay. neways i got home at 5 and chilled..watched 7th heaven..OH i remember what i watched last nite..oNE OF THE GREATEST movies. HOOK;) how GREAT is that movie:) sooo great..and today i watched the end of "sister act" me and my sister know EVERY song off by heart:) soo great..ok...my self confidence REALLY went up this weekend:) ALOT:) thanx :) okkkkk well im going to see if armstrong is done updating his journal:) bye bye
