i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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my weekend of stuff @ 11:33 p.m. on 2001-06-11

OK IM SOO FUCKING HYPER..i think ill update u about my weekend...woooooo i had a 6 hour nap today it was soo sweeet.i feel soooooooo awake its not even funny. i think i was scarying karen on the phone cause i kept laughin..HAHHA SORRY KAREN for bugging ya..hahaa neways here we goo,

friday-umm it was a half day. so i got outta school at 10:25 or sumin and me karen and jimmy took the bus.. i went home and i have no clue what i did. ummm. karen went to the weezer concert with people. i just chilled around. around 8 dave came and picked me up. we then picked up matt P. there was this CRAZZE garage sale on his street. it was funny. we then got gas and drove to good old OSHAWA.we got there around 9. it was soooo funny when we pulled up to the place cause we saw kev, devyn and trec walking in soo dave started waving and shit WELL TURNING and he came like 1 cm away from hitting this sign.. IT WAS SOO FUNNY.. i guess u had to be there.neways so we got in there.. there were alot of people i knew there. i COULD name them, but i wont. neways it was funn.. spoiled plan went on around 9:30 and ya. they were really good:) afterwards this other band came on and someone said "ok we are gonna listen to a few songs then leave"..after one song alllll my friends left. they were WAY TOO HEAVY. neways ya some people went home so who was left was me, dave,doug, matt P,doody, andrew, laura, eric, and greg. ya so me doug dave and matt drove back to pickering to get karen at lick's. she was with steve and bill. they looked like they had SUCH A GOOD TIME at the concert. yayyaa i was soo hyper as was karen. it was good. the ride there was fun cause we went on consession 6 and OH MAN dave was FLYING over the hills:) we got to dougs and i had to go the washroom REALLY BADLY. but his keys were in erics car..boo so we waited. they got there and we just chilled. people were outside most of the time. i dunno. i kept drawing ALL over these papers..i think people were gettin annoyed. BUT OHH WELL. i was having my fun. umm we left around, 12:15 or so. and went home. i was TIRED...

saturday-woke up at 10ish and worked at 11. it was OKAY i guess. i got off work at 3 and tarah told me karen called. WOO. so i called her back. she wanted me to come over to go swiming. so i went over around 4:30ish and ya. karen was going INSANE CAUSE weezer was on much. it was funnnnnny. i just chatted with people on icq and got in a CAT FIGHT with karen cause she was gonna say something to a certian person..HAHAHAHA THAT WAS FUNNNY.neways i went into the pool for like 2 seconds cause it was cold...hehe. ya ya..so then i went home around 7 and then around..umm 8 i think dave came and picked me up. we went to karens and she was in the house for like 5 minute and she got grounded for a STUPID reason....ya..but karen had fun *ithink*..the ride up was good again. CONCESSION 6..i think we went over 160km/h. thats the fastest daves car goes.neways we got to dougs and i continued to write on my papers..hehehe i was in a weird mood when we got there..but it got better. i got my pizza and we rented 3 movies, bit only ended up watching 1. we watched "usual suspects". i feel asleep for maybe 30 min. i was tired..but i already seen the movie..so it ws STILL good. dave never saw it and he was going insane at the end. i guess he liked it:) heheheheh. we went home at 1:15 and ya they dropped me at home cause i had to work in the morn.

sunday-woke up and went to work. dont even ask about work..cause it was CRAPPP.. i got home and i went out for dinner with my family., we went to the keg, which was YUMMMMMMMMMMY. ahahahahaha OUR WAITER LOOKED LIKE BILLY. my mom notcied it and everytime he came i startedlaughing cause IT WAS BILLY. oh man...neways afterward we went to portunion micky d's and got desert. hahaha i got home and worked on my math assignment for 4 hours. i went to bed at like 2am. BAHHH

today-today was okay. school was weird. why..I DONT KNOW.... it just was. i went home and slept from 2:30 til 7:30..it was a NICE SLEEP:) hehehhehe i think ive caught up with my sleep. ya..i woke up and my mom and me went grocery shopping then she got me burger king:) yumm. then we picked up my sister at micky d';s...came home and worked on physics..now im talking to people on icq..okay its 12am now..soo maybe ill get sum sleep:) byeeee

