i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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yummmy chocholate @ 8:24 p.m. on 2001-12-01

CHICKA CHICKA..slim shady..

hi guys.....whats up?! ya...way to answer me:)

neways he last few days have been pretty good..i guess because i havent worked at all:) woo hoo..

i did work on thursday *closed at wally world* but it wasnt that bad acually. yesterday was a pretty good day. school had been boring acually...all we have been doing is watching movies and presentations..so its pretty blah *until I DO my presentation*

oh ya..thursday nite i got home at like 11:30 and i was talking to andrew *i havent talked to that kid in a LONG TIME cause his icq was down.* it was his bday so i descided to be nice *wow..tawnya nice..thats a first*...and i LET him call me *HAHAHAH*but ya we talked on the phone til 3am.. *booo no sleep* neways we had planned on doing summin during my spare the nest day..

so friday came *and went*...and classes were okay....i was suppost to meet andrew outside at 11:45...but i couldnt find him so i went home *plus i forgot my cell and math book at home*..i got a call from him yelling at me to get my butt back to the school *ok..he didnt say it like that*...so i went back and i COULDNT find him again..fucker...but i finally did and by then it was 11:40...he gave me these "special": chocolates *if u wanna know why they are speical..ask*.....and that made me happy because apparently soooo many people were asking to have them, but he gave 'em to me:) yayayaya...

neways we got into my car and drove to tim hortons.. i had NO MONEY so he bought me my coffee..i wanted to be back at the school for my friends lunch, so we headed back...

i gave karen one of my chocolates *oh im so nice*..and army was bugging me the WHOLE lunch for one.....or two..i had 5 all together...but ya...no price would have bought them from me...

after school i came home and chillax.*wait a second no i didnt* i had to get ready for the football team. our football team was at the finals at the skydome:) i swear to god our school was fucking varsity blues for the past week....neways i went to the game with my family and yes we lost..but it was a really good game:)

yes.i just told alex i was a lesbian...lets see the reaction:) hahahhahaa the reaction "sweet. you know its a very profitable lifestyle specially when youre young and blonde lol" OH YES:) *for the record im not a lesbian *sorry ladies*...&* hahahahahahahahahha

neways after the game eric picked me up and we went to karens..it was me, karen, doug, army, bill, and eric...it was really fun...we all played sum fusball..and me karen army and doug got into a HUGE pillow fight..HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA it was fun.

the boys left around 2amish..and i slept over at karen....we woke up at like 2pm..oh man,..

my dad picked me up..and i went to the mall today and got some cd;s for myself..hehehehe..and ya.

ow my aunt and uncle are over..and i was talking to akren earlyer and she said she was talking to doody and supposly there is some party for andrew *bday*..and we MIGHT go to that...

neways BYE SUXAS

