i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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survery and last night. @ 11:52 a.m. on 2002-03-23

Hey. i wrote this survery yesterday at around 4ish. So some of the info might have changed. *ie-what i did today/tommrow/yesterday* so yes. enjoy. some of the questions were really hard to think of stuff, so the answers might be stupid!

15 years ago I...

1.)was 3 years old

2.)had just recently moved from North york to guelph

3.)loved cats and would steal peoples cats from the streets

4)took my moms makeup and tried to put it on myself (disaster I tell you)

5.) don�t remember much

10 years ago I...

1.)was 8 years old.

2.) I lived in thornhill

3.) watched Saved by the bell and full house non-stop

4.) was in girl guides

5.) beach boys were my ALL time fav

5 years ago I...

1.) was in grade 8 still

2.) became good friends with karen

3.) loved smashing pumpkins and no doubt

4.) had �darker� hair

5.)played baseball for about 6 years.

2 years ago I...

1.)I was in grade 11

2.) was going out with Matt h (longest relationship)

3.) Started liking Eminem

4.) went downtown T.O A LOT.

5.) started recording my thoughts a lot more

1 year ago I...

1.) I started writing in this journal regularly

2.) started going to more punk shows with the friends

3.) started reliesing who my true friends were

4.) was getting ready for the prom

5.)worked at micky d�s

Yesterday I...

1.) went to school.

2.) had a test that I failed big time

3.)was SOO bored after school, I had weird conversations with people

4.) messaged this dude that I went on my first ever date with

5.) wrote in my private journal about how much this person made me feel better and how another person made me feel like crap.

Today I...

1.)went to school

2.) had to take the bus home, and walk in the FREEZING cold

3.) Brought my walkman with me

4.) wore 5 layers of clothes

5.) had a cool conversation with someone I havent really talked to since elementary school

Tomorrow I will...

1.) sleep in

2.) do some homework

3.) talk to people on icq

4.) hopefully play hockey

5.) eat micky d�s

Five items you have brand loyalty to...

1.) liptons iced tea

2.) campbel�s soup. Mmm mmm good

3.) Micky d�s

4.) Icq?

5.) diaryland?

Five snacks you enjoy

1.)Chips and dip

2.) Salt and Vinagar pringles

3.) BUTTER (and lots of it) popcorn

4.) Pickles!

5.) crackers

Five songs you know the words to, even without the music

1.) Any Beach Boys song

2.) �Shut up and sleep with me�

3.) "Praise Chorus"-Jimmy Eat World

4.) Build me buttercup

5.) Fresh prince theme song!

five games you like

1.) Mario brothers

2.) Monopoly

3.) Risk

4.) Tony hawk

5.) Crazy taxi

five albums that changed your life*note-none of these albums REALLY changed my life..they just really come to mind of albums I listened to OVER AND OVER in a time period of my life*

1.) Mellon Collie And The Infite Sadness-Smashing Pumpkins

2.) Any Beach Boys album

3.) Tragic Kingdom-No Doubt

4.) Nsync-Nsync (yes�I used to be in LOVE with them�key word-USED)

5.) The Slim Shady LP -Eminem

five things you cant live without

1.) My computer

2.) Cell phone

3.) Music

4.) eyeliner

5.).The colour pink

five things you would buy with one thousand dollars

1.) Clothes

2.) DVD player

3.) CD burner

4.) C.D�s

5.) earnings/girly stuff

my top five guilty pleasures

1.) piercings

2.) micky d�s.

3.) dating shows

4.) icq

5.) my sitemeter

Top five musicians lately -(or whos in the CD player right now?)

1.) Jimmy Eat World

2.) Barenaked Ladies

3.) Beastie Boys

4.) Smashing Pumpkins

5.) Dashboard Confessional

top five locations i'd like to run away to:

1.) Europe

2.) Australia

3.) Hawaii

4.) Colorado

5.) New York City

ok. so last night wasnt bad. me and the friends were like planning pretty much ALL afternoon and up to when we finally left. we decided to go play some pool.

eric, bill, and greg all went out for dinner but the rest of us a) had no money b) already eaten.

dave came and picked up me, karen, and army. we went "places" and then finally went got to celebrity lanes *we figured we didnt want to even try getting into a bar*. it was pretty busy in there, and we got two tables. eric, greg and bill showed up a little later, so they ended up staying later.

afterwards we went over to dave;s house, and watched some cartoons, dazed and confused and then The usual suspects. LIKE ALWAYS, i feel asleep during usual suspects and they woke me up at 2am, and dave drove us home.

i think today im gonna go downtown to the reference libary. i mean i REALLY should be starting on all these project i have due!

bye bye

