i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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good day? or bad day? lets see @ 8:04 p.m. on 2002-04-02

Pros for the day

-woke up very refreshed, surprising since i went to bed at like 12am.

-find out my mark went up 8 percent to a 85 in canadian geography-result tawnya is a happy girl.

-felt pretty confident with my world issues test i did today.

-hot boy was on the bus today. its tuesday, so tawnya was DEFINIATLY looking forward to the bus drive home. he shaved off his little goatee, and was wearing a cute hat. MAN he is hot. i must just have to jump him one day.*HOP*<----THIS IS me "jumping" on him..HAHA

-I didnt wear my coat today cause i thought it would be hot *oh dont worry there is a con for this* however it wasnt that bad.

-i made my mom get pizza pizza for dinner.

-i did my laundry and cleaned my dresser. this SHOULD be a con, but i acually felt like i accomplished something.

Cons for the day

-i had to go to school

-it started to snow today.YES i was asking the same thing, ISNT IT APRIL 2ND?!

-hot boy got off the bus:(

-my breath smells like garlic from the garlic sause from the pizza.

hmm pros outweight the cons. conclusion-my day was good!

"If God really exists, then how come beavers can't win the lottery? and why is it that i haven't got my cool green jumpsuit and the ability to smell bombs? Huh? where was this God when i wanted to smell bombs...in a green suit?" you think im craze. these are the kind of messages i get from mike...smile and nod! smile and nod.

