i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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WHAT a start:) @ 2:12 p.m. on 2001-05-19

hey guys..i dont remmerber when i wrote last?! umm thursday ?! ill check.

it was thursday. well i had to work that nite. i went on the bus and karen was there:) yayaya. she was working in the back and me in the front. they schualded SO many people.LIKE THERE was a person on EVERY tile. so i got to go home early *7:15*. my sister had to work at 8 so i went over to the mall to wait for my mom. i bought two cute tank tops:) i went to the bank and AM GOING BROKE. last week i had 700 dollars. i went to the bank and i have 300. WHAT THE FUCK. well lets see. prom killed me. grad fees. i took my mom out for dinner and a movie. i bought a cd, sunglasses, makeup, clothes, food, and ya. so i gotta watch my money from now on.:(me and my mom watched open mike that nite. the prime minister of canada *jean chritien* was on. IT WAS SOOO FUNNY. oh man. i didnt stop laughing:) he is a good guy that guy;) im gonna vote for him again:) *laughs*..like he keeps quiet and he is cool:) neways ya. i went to bed.

friday. went ta school. karen wasnt there cause she woke up at 4am nd went downtown to try and get weezer tickets. im not gonna go into details about THAT but SHE GOT THEM;) im really happy for her, cause that is like her ALL TIME FAV band, and it isnt easy to get these tickets:) soo karen i hope u have a GREAT TIME:)

school was okay..i dont really care about talking about that. during my spear i chilled with jimmy and matt m. on the stage and we played "drunk in the truck".. HAHAH. i won;) sweet. then we just lyed there and threw cards around. it was fun.:) i took the "normal" bus home cause my dad and pat werent there to drive me home. ya i talked with COOL peter:) *look peter ur name* HE IS SOO FUNNY. hahaha he is a cool guy;) yaya. came home and ummm....i have no clue what i did. my mom came home and then i took her out for dinner as part of her mothers day gift. we went to lone star. our waiter dude was cute:) my mom was like "wow he is cutie" he totally was:) hehehehehehe neways we were there til 6:30 and called karen. dave was gonna pick up me karen and devyn *the girl* hahaha and go over to waggonors party. i was the last to get picked up. we went and picked up waggoner cause he had to get like food and shit for the party. he seemed very like stressed cause all these people he didnt even know where icqing him and calling him and he didnt want all these people. he wanted no more than 65 people there. he was telling us how they were gonna lock people out and shit. so we dropped him off and then we went to ajax to drop off a movie dave's bro rented. hehehe we couldnt find it but we did. we got back and more and more people were there. we went inside and ate some golden grams then me dave and devyn went to the mall to pick up greg cusack. it was 9oclock by this time we waited outside roots for him and dave was like "i wonder if shane is working" so we look down at new york fries and he was. i scream out "SHANEEEEEEEEEE" AND ALL these people looked at me.. HAHA so i went down and asked if he was coming to the party and he said he might go tommrow *well today*...so ya we left and drove back to the party.now it was party time. LIKE at least 25 people came from when we left til then. it was gooooood:) ya people went into the hot tub and the pool. poor jimmy pulled out his sholder for the third time and they had to take him to the hospital:( there was like alot of people. i really dont know HOW many but alot. every room had at least 10 people in in. i could give u details about the whole party but then id be here forever. yayaya OH ya i really had to go the washroom but there was this dude *dave* waiting i had NO clue who he was but i started talking to him and IT WAS SOO FUNNY cause i kicked him outta the bathroom when he was washing his hands i had to go soo bad. then i talked to him after with karen. he gave us his drink *the joy of flirting with ranbom boys for things* and then we talked to his friend ryan i think it was...they left right away and dave is like "ill make sure to see u guys around" haha funny stuff. lindsay gemini*sp?* i talked to...we had gr 10 food class together and we;re good friends til like last year. it was soo fun..we were laughing SOOO MUCH and like talking about guys and HOW MUCH THEY SUCK;) she rules...man i miss food class:) soo that was cool to talk to her again:) ya later on richard and darryl came cause darryls g.f and friends were there. it was GREAT cause i didnt care AT ALL:) hehehehehe soo wixed. like normally when i see darryl i get those "feelings" again but ever since that day i went to his house last week i reliesed i dont like him:) at all:) and it was good:) oh ya there was this dude andrew that me and karen were talking to. he was really cool. he gave me his sweater cause i was coold....later on we were in the family room and he comes up to me and goes "do u have a b/f" im like "nope" he goes "well ur REALLY cute"..hahaha i was like thanx and laughed..hehehhee that made my day;) HAHAHAHHAH ya. we fought outside and he almost threw me in the pool. he was cool i kept him company well he had his smoke and ya... and i duno IT WAS A GREAT NITE:) i left around 1:15ish and came home and slept......i woke up at 10 this morning and it was soo sunny and warm so i suntanned. but it didnt do anything.ya i also found out that this "bug bite" ive had for the last 2 weeks on my wrist is REALLY poison ivy. i guess i got it camping on prom. ahhh its getting bigger and ya:( it ichs...sooo tonite hopefully waggoner is having another party. he said he is expecting 100 people tonite which should be sweet..and thast all byeee
