i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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i want to eat dinner NOW @ 4:37 p.m. on 2001-06-03

hey hey:) well i was only gonna come on the internet for like 2 seconds...but i ended up reading lindsays journal and i got insired:) HAHAH thanx lindsay;)

neways i really dont remmber the last time i wrote..i just remember it being REALLLLY LONG..i think it was yesterday during the day...ok well ya...i went over to karen house at around 7ish i think. dave just got there. we were just listening to music on napster and waiting for bill, armstrong and lindsay to show up. they finally came around 8ish. it was funn. well first we had to go and davge had to drop his car at home so lindsay and army followed us. we ended up going to micky d's and eating. HAHAH i used my magic and complained about my "orange water" and got a free fry and a free coke *for lindsay, cause i already had my water* HAHAHAHAH im too nice:) neways ya soo bill threw shit at people. he hit some dude with a banana. IT WAS SOO FUNNY. cause me and karen were freaky out:) *laughs* we thought he was gonna chase us *what were we thinkin*..neways we went back to karens and played "ASAP" i came in 2nd:) yayaya it was sooo funny. afterward we opened up this other game *i cant remmber what it was called* and bill and armstrong would see wordsa dn make fun of each other mothers..HAHAHAHAH soo fucking funny:) then karens parents came home soo we took off. hahahaha. we drove around pickering, bill in hunt for helpless victums of throwingness. we went to like 3 fastfood places and would ask for water and then fill them up with ketup. burger king sucked. so we went to port union micky d's..i was suppost to block lindsay so that the people wouldnt see her filling up ketcup, but i guess i didnt do a good job. i left tooo quick. ohh well we still got some ketchup. i dunt remmmerb how many peope bill got., but he had alot of misses. HAHAH oh well.. it was funny. ya..then we went to the park near my house and just sat there sorta talking. it was soo cool like everyone in thhe van, cause i felt like going on a roadtrip. i said summin and me and lindsay were sorta diccussing it. we totally want to go on a roadtrip in the summer. IT WOULD BE SOO MUCH FUN:) ohh man:) we have to organize it:) neways then we went home.....it was a fun nite all together. i went to sleep.

today i woke up at 1ish. my parents went out to a movie, cause it was my moms bday the other day and there anniversity is in a few days. i think it wil be there 19th aniversity.. wooo nelly.ya so when they get home we are all going out for dinner at the new swish chalet:) yayaya HURRY UP PARENTS..im soooooo hungry.; alkl ive eaten today has been soup. but itll be good cause then ill eat soooooooo much at dinner:) well im going now:) lata sexys:)
