i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
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"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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my LONGGGGG weekend @ 5:43 p.m. on 2001-09-23


so yes. i swear to god this has FELT like the LONGESTTT weekend EVER...oh man..i felt like 2 weeks have gone by.

neways i told u all about my trip to the university fair and all that lovely stuff on friday.

SOOO me and karen made plans to go up to matt's house. my mom was gonna drive us up. so we left my house around 7ish *maybe even earlyer*. i was going to drive up *matts house is in uxbridge*. we first went and got gas and headed up whites road to taunton road which would take us to brock and RIGHT UP TO UXBRIDGE. well here is what happened-*im copying what i wrote to lindsay about it*

ok i was driving right...my mom was in the passagener seat and karen in the back.it was RAINING hard and i turned off whites onto taunton road..

ok soo there was no cars behind me..i was going a little below the speed limit and i see two cars appoarching in the rearview mirror..i start to speed up a little right...but the guy behind me i SWEAR to god must have been going at LEAST 120 km/h...he was RIGHT UP MY FUCKING ASS..i mean ive never seen SOMEONE sooo close to me...i yelled out "this guy is up my ass" and it looked like he was gonna hit me....he then sweirved into the other lane and i thought he took out the back of our car..he then turned to pass in front of me..and he swirved and went into on going traffic *lucky NO one was there* and he flipped around and landed in a ditch....me FREAKING out slamed on the brakes..but my mom told me not to *there were cars behind me*..soo we pull to the siide of the road and my mom called 911.alot of cars pulled to the side and then we waited 15 min...my mom went back to the car and THANX god the guy wasnt hurt..he told me mom to leave..but she said "THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL im leaving..u almost could have killed one of us and i called 911."

firetruck, albumance and police showed up..and they told us to go back to the station...so we went to the police station *by now it is 9oclock* and me and my mom had to fill out a witness report. me because i was driving and my mom cause she ACAULLy saw the guy driving. thepolice officer was sorta mean but it is his job to get the facts right?? oh man, well my mom was filling out her report me and karen started talking to the police officers..HAH we talked to officer ross *he was the officer at our school the last 3 years* and this HOTTTTT officer came out into the lobby area..OH BABY he was SEXY..hahaha me and karen were making comments like "he can handcuff me ANYDAY" hahahahaha *laughs*. neways FINALLy we got outta there and my mom drove us to matts.

we got up to matts around 9:30ish. there werent that many people there. oh man some crazze stuff happened but im not gonna write about it. lets just think about the cottage. HAHAH. neways ya doug came with jeff and tyler around 10:30 and picked us up.

we went back to dougs and a fair amoutn of people were there. alot of them were downstairswith their instuments and playing music. ya people were all over. it was FUN thou. oh man.. around 12ish meg, rob, eric, matt, and nick left. the rest of the people were staying over which was me, doug, bill, dave, tyler, karen, jeff and sean. OH man me, tyler and jeff were in the kitchen and there was this chocolate sause on the table so i dared them to drink it. HAHA tyler did it and then we got into this BIG chocolate war.HAHAHAH me and tyler were running around GETTING EVERYONE..it was CRAZZE. i think doug was PISSED cause we got chocolate ALL OVER THE WALLS AND FLOOR. but i cleaned it up. HAHAH i had chocolate ALL OVER MY SHIRT and so did tyler and dave. so i was gonna d laundry but didnt. we just changed. OH YA..it wasALL IN MY HAIR TOO..it was pretty damn gross:) but fun.

oh ya, karen called her mom aound 1ish to ask A LAST tie if she could stay over. i swear karen MUST have been on the phone for at least 45 min trying to convince her mom..and IT WORKED:) yayayayaya.. the rest of the nite was fun, cant remember any SPECIFIC details but i ended up going to sleep in dougs sisters room around 2ish..

i woke up in the morn around 10 and dave, tyler and karen had left. bill just woke up too soo we talked for a bit and jeff and sean (whom slept in the living room) GRADUALLy woke up. we sat around and watched some tv and joked around..hehehe it was pretty funny. doug woke up around 11:30ish and he came down and we decided to go out for BREAKFAST;) yayayaya we went to the place we went to after prom camping which was b&l's...OH MAN it was tooo funny.. jokes the WHOLE TIME:) hahahhaa when we left they notied this CRAZZE mullot so we followed the guy and bill got a picture of it..HAHAHAHAHAHA.

doug drove us all home around 2ish. i had to work at 3 soo i quickly had a shower and got ready when i got home.

work was pretty boring AS USUAL. i got off at 7 and came home. i was PRETTY damn bored and was feeling sick, but still sorta wanted to do summing. lindsay told me markus was having people over. so lindsay mom picked up me, karen, robin around 9ish and we went to markus..

there was a good amount of people there too. i knew about half the people so it was good. oh man everyone was drunk thou..HAHAHHA it was funny. lindsay got SOOOOO DRUNK. i dont think ive EVER seen her soooo drunk before *crazze girl* HAHAHHAHAHA yes lindsay u did tell everyone like a million times about ryan coming back..HAHAHAH oh man lindsay was going on about "thanksgiving" and HAHAHAHA i wont talk about it..but it was DAMN funny. at one point we were poking the hell outta "co" i think his name was to get back the stick for our game..HAHA oh man.

the whole day yesterday i was having EXTREME pain on my left side *oddly enough the side where i got jumped on back at seans house*...it was REALLy bad..it started to REALLY hurt at markus. and i had a MAJOR headach. i was planning on sleeping over at lindsays but i was too tired and sick. soo karens mom was coming to get her at 12 so i went home weith her. me and karen sat outside for about 45 min talking..hehehe i love karen. oh man i think at one point i was telling karen like EVERY "ready or not" episoide *yes i am a LOSER*...ooh man. we were talking about university and how DIFFERENT it is gonna be and how we are gonna miss everyone *BUT NOT PICKERING*..

yayaya HER mom came around 12;30 and i went home. i watched the end of cototy ugly and felt shitty so went to bed.

today has been shitty day again. i woke up at 12 and lyed in bed for an hour and a half looking thro all the univeristy books i got. i pretty much was trying to NARROW my choices by havig a pile of places YES or no. i think i got arid of 5 places *mostly because TOO far away, or there was NO WAY IN HELL id get in *ie queens/mcmaster*.

so ya...i feel so lazy today and was in a BIG thinking mood:( my stomach is STILL really hurting but ill live. OK this was TOO long of an entry;) BYE

