i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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FUN DAY;) @ 7:38 p.m. on 2001-10-10

fuck. why am i writing an entry...GAAAA.

today was acually a REALLLLLLLY GOOD day. lets see my english class went on a trip to the libary downtown *dont ask me why* but my mom didnt want me going since ive missed SOOO much damn school, so first period i didnt go to..so i slept in til 10ish:) *ahhh how sweet is that*....my dad was like "tawnya u can have the car" SWEEEET twice in one week;) so i drove to school and signed in. science and society was BORING..mr D'Amico was just talking about all this stupid stuff..so i talked with shane, jimmy and mike...that was fun..i looked at shane and i was like OH I HAVE TO TELL U SOMETHING..and then i wrote him a note about how D12 was coming to TORONTO and i was going with army...meanwhile shane was writing me a note too...we both exange notes and THEY both said the same thing..HAHAHHA me and shane think alike...soo he asked if he could get him a ticket too *i was getting one for me and army*..so ya that class was fun;) afterwards i got into my car and came home for an hour:) then i went back and promised karen id take her out for lunch and GUESS where we went?! MICKY D'S, WHERE ELES..i mean HALF PRICE:) hehehehehe i got two hamburgers:) yummm..i was trying to drive and eat at the same time:) im pro at it ;) we got back to the school and it was SOOO funny...apparently doug had zipped his vesy up and the ZIPPER broke...he was STUCK in his vest..and he zipped it to the VERY TOP soo he couldnt breath..OH MY GOD IT WAS SOOO FUNNY...he then tryed to take his arms out and get out that way, but his arms got stuck too so it looked like he was in a stray jackey..HAHA everyone passing by who crack up laughing.oh my..it took like 15 min before FINALLY they got it undone...u HAD to be there:) oh man...last period was blahy..we had a fire drill. so ya.

after school me and my sister drove to ticket master and i got 3 tix for D12222222...what what..then we went BACK to micky d's, but i refused to go in there since i was JUST there and she got sum food:) hehehehe...it was good:)

wooo writing this entry made me feel ALOTTT better;) i was just sitting her and i felt REALLY blah..i had a weird dream last nite about something...it acually happened a few months ago, but it happened in my dream AGAIN, but a different way and with a different outcome...so ya....that made me a little sad:( but im happy now:) yayayaayayya.......

my nails are REDDDD...i think its time for a change..hmmmmmm..what colour do i feel like??????? PURPLE TIME:) ohh ya baby...ok im going to pain my nails:) have a good day..and DRINK WATER:) its good for u..DONT GET SUCKED INTO DRINKING COKE.....its BAD for ya, and DONT DOOOOO IT:) *LAUGHS*..bye..*water water water*

added-hey hey...woo it LOOKS like a new entry BUT it is not:) im just adding sum STUFF. today has been great..i got SOOOOOOOO hyper after i watch "5th wheel" and "blind date"..it was SCARY how hyper i was..i felt like i was drunk or summin;0 OH MAN...neways i was talking to andrew and he called me a "lesbain dominatress" on his N.A message and we ALL know i am;) hehehe then lindsay called me smelly..then andrew called me a bitch:) OH MAN it was funny..soo im a smelly lesbain dominatress BITCH..SWEEET ASSSS:) i painted my nails this COOL pink and black COMBO..they look WIXED....;) soo i told lindsay to paint her nails..and we now have the PAINT THE NAILS CREW..what what...we are gonna come TO UR TOWN AND paint the nails of ALL UR CHILDREN..hahahah *EVIL LAUGH*..

YA SOO andrew phoned me..and i got realllllly tired...then RIGHT after i got off the phone i got SUPERRRR HYPER:) i started dancing around me house, laughing..;) IT WAS GREAT;) now im back to normally...but ya;) ok...*u all must think im on crack...* I AM;) what what..no..ok HAVE A GOOD NITE..and CHEER UP EVERYONE:) life is great:)
