i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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stop making fun of me:( @ 7:33 p.m. on 2001-10-09

i was in a happy go luck mood today;) woo that a weird expression:) i acually had a good day *expect for lunch...but it was damn funny and i had fun trying to beat up army and doug*.

first period was just reading.YA reading *booo*....second period i went to the "western" presentation. i think i eliminated western outta my choices of university..i dont know WHY but it didnt appeal to me...my top three picks right now at brock, laurier and windsor..SOO none of u people reading this apply there *i need a good chance of getting in* UNLESS ur a REALLY hot guy;) ya so LUNCH TIME oh man..

first everyone left and me and army sat outside talking about stuff:) it was cool i havent talked with army in a while...we are going to the D12 CONCERT in NOVEMBER:) sweeeeet asss..i CANT WAIT;) i get to see my baby eminem once again;) i told army to dress all thuged out when we go:) *laughs*...then DOUG came..and THE TROBLES began. it all started with us talking about achlol..and army was like "tawnya we all know whats happen when u drink" me KNOWING what army was gonna say was like "no army what???" he laughed and just said "you, geoff, and the sand" HAHAHAHHAHAH oh no..then doug started in...*meanwhile while they are talking im trying to kick them*....then army HAD to bring up the fact that that nite i punched him *I REALLLy dont remember that*...so that made me feel bad..then doug and army start making up all these SERANIORO of what happened at the beach party..something about BEER bottles being involved in stuff..IT WAS GROSS..ok..I REALLY dont wanna repeat what they said.....then me and doug got in a fight...a physically fight and i ended up on the ground *cause every KNOWS HOW strong my muscules are* HAHAHAHH but i tryied my best to kick those boys asses..hahaha then HOCKEY and "tounceil hockey" got PUT in there....and all THESE STUPID comments about me and mike *i really dont know how mike got involved in this* ya..soo i ran away *laughs* cause i had to go to class...BUT then army comes outta NOWHERE in the hall and made STUPID comments "SCORE" hahahahahhahha it was mean....its not fair, army and doug team up on me EVERYDAY with my STUPID nickname they made up for me "BLACK NIPS??" what the fuck....:( oh well...i put up with it everyday;(

last period was okay...julien was telling me how much andrew talks about me..and he knows ALL about me...ya it was cool yesterday i was talking to andrew and i ACUALLy enjoyed talking to him..he is leaving for army training soon and i told him im gonna ask him out the day he leaves..HAHAHAHAH suxa...oh im gonna miss being asked out everyday by that kid;) *laughs*..

ya well i dont like all this crazze busy happened in the world;( im acually scared;( *wait ive been scared this whoole month*..my granndma is getting tested for that antrax thingy cause they live like 10 miles from where it hit..and my grandpa works at the church where the guy who died is having his funeral..the FBI came to my grandpa and was talking to him and telling him not to open any packages and stuff...ITS SCARY stuff...and to think i was in florida 10 miles from where it happened a month ago:( ahhhhhh..i just hope more people dont have it;(

neways im tired;( i went to micky d's today and there are some HOT new employees...WOOOO..i gotta get my ass back to work:) hahahahhaha...okay bye bye:)
