i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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MYSTERY MACHINE:) @ 3:27 p.m. on 2001-10-29

i must make this entry QUICK..i gotta go to work SOON and am expecting a PHONE CALL.

neways saturday nite i didnt end up going out...karen and bill called and i think people went to a movie and stuff..but with all the "ear" events and waking up at 8 the next morning i decided to STAY in;) i ended up going to bed at 11:30. *yes im a fucking crazze bitch*. haha

saturday i woke up at 8 cause me and my mom were gonna go to markville then to YORK U. the drive there was REALLY GOOD.i had an AMASING converstaion with my mom..and i felt like crying soo many time...we were talking about "her" side of the family... mostly my grandpa's family. my family is WEIRD...my dads side is irish and german *MOSTLY irish* and they ALL grew up in the city *new york* , and is COMPLETE opposites of my mom's family. my moms dad is ukrainian and his parents came straigh to canda from ukranin and didnt speak english...they had a rough like *this is what we and my mom were talking about*...it was really sad acually. my moms side all grew up in western canada in FARMS...and its soo DIFFERENT my two sides of the family..i mean i will admit that i know MORE about my dads side than my mom's...and it was good to hear how my grandpa grew up and what his family was like. i know more of my dads side than my moms...BUT really u guys dont care so ill stop.

neways we got to york around 11, and i didnt fall in lvoe with it....not at all. it seemed not as comfy as broke and i didnt have that "warm" feeling..it really felt like a prison *sorry to anyone who attend york or plans to* it just WASNT for me...

we left around 2ish and went to markville. i got me a new earing for my rook peircing...on the way out GUESS WHAT WAS THERE??! the MYSTERY MACHINE:) oh my god.....me and my mom weren liek stareing at it BIG TIME..and there were this girls handing out "bags"..so i guess she saw me STARING at it..and asked if i wanted a "bag" OH YES..i ran over and he had all this COOL stuff in it *posters, stickers, candy, tattoo'* OH MAN..my mom just HAPPENED to have a camera in the car so i asked the girl if i could sit in it , and i got a pic:) HAHAHAHAHAHA oh man..apperently the van is driving around north america:) *yes i am a little kid whom just happens to be 18*...sorry i wanna be a kid foreveree:)

ok well i had to work at 3..and AHHHH i wanted to scream. here is what happened *this is what i wrote to bill about it*.

"hh nuttin much..stupid bitch ass lady got mad at me today..

i was working at micky d's and u know how they dont have change rooms right..soo i use the handicapped bathroom in the washroom cause its big and stuff...neways i was coming outta the bathroom and i ACIIDENTLY hit the lady with the door *i mean she was fucking standing right behind it* and i was like.."oh im sorry" THEN she goes crazze telling me i SHOULDNT be in that washroom..and BLAH BLAH BLAH..she wasnt even handicapped herself..so i ignored her...

i went into work and she fucking came in and told amber about me...and was saying all this shit like i FLUNG the door on her on purpose and all this shit...

so ya..i dunno..it fucking pissed me off..and i wasnted to tell her off but ahhhh i just relaxed and ignored her..

people just PISS me off....they are soo fucking miserable and hgave NUTTIN better to do than complain...

HAHAHAH..stressful day..too many complaining customers"

yes soo AHH that made my day BAD...fuck..im not gonna even get started.

neways yes...i HAVE TO GO..sooo SIGN MY GUESTBOOK'S U LAZY BUMS:) hahahahahahaa.

bye bye

