i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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my eyes:) @ 6:22 p.m. on 2001-11-03

ok...sorry about that last entry.

i just wasnt in the mood to write..YET i felt like i had to.

neways ya...last nite i wont go into details. but me and karen went driving to the mall and doctor around 7ish and during the day it was planed that everyone would go to matt's house around 9:30ish.

well me and karen stayed at my house til 11pm, where doug came and got us *thanx u SOOOO much doug....* and yes....the rest is history. we all went to matt's house. it was me, karen, doug, army, bill, matt, dave, and tyler. i got home around 1:30ish.

neways ya...afterwards was COOL..it talked to that wixed guy i met a week ago on icq...he is great:) and also talked to andrew..HAHAHAHAH we talked til like 3:30am..i was SOOOOOO tired..u know how when ur SOOO tirede u feel drunk..YUP that was me...i was being an IDOIT but it was funny..we were talking on msn and sending all this crazze logo pictures *HAHAHHA*..i kept asking him questions like what do u hate most about me and what do u like most about me..i REALLy have always wondered because that kid has NEVER given up on me....and in a way i dont understand why he likes me soooo much. he said that he doesnt know what he hates about me...BUT *which i was VERY surprised to hear*...he likes most about me 1) how i NEVER make him mad *wow..i honestly thought he hated me sometimes..and if u know andrew he doesnt really like most people 2) im nice to him *what the helll....if u read this journal...i honestly feel that im a bitch to him sometimes 3)he can take to me 4 hrs straight and doesnt get bored/mad/and i put up with him. 4)i have REALLy pretty eyes. that one made me smile the most. honestly ive NEVER really liked my eyes. i mean ive ALWAYS wanted blue/green seethrough eyes. im soo jealous of people who have blue eyes its not even funny. i mean my eyes are like a brown/greenish..and sometime yellow... they are EXACTLY like my mom's. i mean recently ive started to like them ALOT....and i always thought a guy who's favorite "part" of a girl were her eyes WOULD never like me...i guess i was wrong:) soo that made me happy:) i love talking to andrew...i can be a TOTALLy weirdo/loser/goof and i dont care:)i KNOW he acually likes me for ME, and not just for my "body"..*yes i know ur all thinking im wrong..BUT trust me....i have evidence/experiences of this* HAHAHHA..neways....

yup so i have NO idea what is happening tonite.......i havent really talked to nene.....hmmmmmmm.life is weird and soo unprediciable.....

gaaa...bye bye:) oh yes...i REALLy have been wanting to scan some NEW pictures of me and friends..but my scanner is CRAP...so yes..everyone go check out my "older" pictures HERE and go check out my friend matt's pic's from GRAD a month ago..there are no pic of me..but the pictures ARE amasing:) and u can put some faces to the names:) go HERE
