i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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im cold. @ 10:35 p.m. on 2001-11-04

yup yup.

well this weekend was pretty good....but NOT today.

not at all..i swear to god, it was bad luck in tawnya day....geez im sooo tired.

well last nite karen called me around 9ish and she was out with doug and dave for pats bday dinner or summin....they were almost done and asked if i wanted to come out with them *UMMM HMMM LET ME THINK ABOUT THAT ONE*...*LAUGHS* neways they came and got me and we picked up billy and matt p. we then went over to daves house..

I LOVE karen..man she is the greatest;) yes there was a certain person at pats dinner who i dont "think highly off, and karen talked to him and stuff:) and i love her:) and i lvoe my friends...i was talking to doug on the way home and i know my friends will always be there for me, and stick up for me:) they are great and i wont trade them for the world:)

neways we went to daves and watched "the oblongs" HAHAH soo funny..that show cracks me up...we then watched the "homelessiness" video created by bill, shane and sanders.SOOOOOOO fucking hilarious..bill is SOOOO funny..i swear he should be a comedian when he gets older.

ya afterwards we watched "loaded gun" or "lethal weapon" I CANT REMEMBER which one..ITS THE funny one....with samual L jackson and emilia estivage...HAHAHAHH ive never seen it before and it was pretty damn funny, and i DIDNT FALL asleep...hahaha karen and dave were making fun of me, cause that was the first time i didnt fall asleep during a movie:) HAHAH army showeed up later too.

doug drove me and karen home around 1ish.

brrr it is colddddd.

yes well today SUCKED ass...i woke up at 1 and had to work at 2...tar told me my mom would be home at 1:15 for me to have the car..well i WAITED and finally called her at 1:40 and she wouldnt be home..sooo i had to take my dads car.. i THOUGHT i was working at wally world..BUT OH BOY was i wrong..soo i had to DRIVE back to pickering micky d's and there was SOOO much traffic..so i didnt get to work til 20 min AFTER my shift started:) i talked to the HOT BOY at my work thou;) hahahahaha tarah keeps making fun of me...*yes he is my sisters age* BUT HE is damn sexY:) GRRR..TARAH DO NOT SAY NETHING TO HIM.or else..

neways yes work sucked AS usual...hahaha people were soo mean to me:) stupid jon, and adam were MEANNN...:(

neways yes..im SOOO tired and had SOOO much hw to do tonite but i CANT DO it..im sooo warn out..AHHHHHHHH i hate this time of the semester..cause alll these ISU'S are due...AND AHHAHJFHAHJSFA...i cant stand it:(

ok well i think it is past my bedtime:) brrr im cold stilllllll...

