i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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party...downtown @ 10:14 p.m. on 2001-12-08

ya well i figure io wont be able to update for at least 5 days...and im trying to avoid doing hw right now..so i decided to update...HOWEVER im stil working on my layout for this page..soo sorry about the messyness....

neways yesterday was a weird weird werid but GOOD day:) during school i reallly dont wanna get into it..i had a TERRIBLE english class.....the teacher pretty much told me i cant write..so yes....

me, karen, doug, and army went out to harveys for lunch..i got a COOL ass green watch:) hahahha its pretty neeto for a 3 dollar kids meal i got:P

the whole week everyone was talking about joes party....i was REALLY excited because everyone was going to be there...if u know me and my friends, i had a big group of friends from gr10 to about gr 12....because during 12 til now we all went our separte ways. i mean we STILL are friends, but it is like little groups now, because people arent in school, people have moved away..etc..

NEWAYS pat and katie were coming back from BC this week and i havent seen them in a while. i was gonna go to a show in uxbridge with karen,dave and doug but i really had to work on sum hw, so i didnt go...

i ended up going over to joes house around 9ish..

hold up---> is it just me or do u guys get fucked up IM's on icq from fucked up people. i just got one asking "do u wanna get hard-ons like u used to" OH YES BABY..i mean i used to get them ALL THE TIME...*LAUGHS*...yes.

ok so back to my story. when i got to joes, bill, eric, greg, tyler, pat, katie, and jimmy were there...i hadnt seen jimmy and tyler for a while...pat was telling me and bil about there drive ACROSS canada from BC..some crazze stories i tell ya:) hehehehe the nite was soooo great...throughtout the nite the following people came--> shane,dave cooke, sarah, danielle, heather, devon, devyn,kevin, matt m, sean, carrie, ian, hubert, all showed up..it was sooo wixed cause i havent seen these people in SOO long and it was like old times:) i had lots of fun:P i wont go into get details about stuff. dave, doug, and karen came around 12:30ish...i dont remember much after that..i just know i passed out and they woke me up around 3 and we drove back to daves...

we got back to daves and i feel RIGHT to sleep.....we woke up around 11 or so...and dave drove karen to work. it was just a FUN NITE:) people were talking about new years and im really hoping we have a huge ass new years with EVERYONE:) just like new years 2000:P lewis and adrain are coming back from BS just for the holidays, but pat and katie are staying til march:)

my mom came and got me from daves around 12:30..hahaa me and doug were standing outside waiting for her..and i had my st. mary trackpaints and sweater on..hahhaa my hair was CRAZZE and ya i looked like crap...but i was comfy:) heheheheh i started running down bailey like a manic.hahhaa.

i came home and i got ready cause i was gonna go downtown to the toronto reference libary.my mom drove me to the scar. town center and i took the subway down to bloor and young. listening to barenaked ladies the whole way *they fucking rock.....*

there was alot of hotties in that libary:) hahahhahaa, but ya work had to be done.i stayed for about an hour or so, and then went to harveys for summin to eat..there was a MEGA MEGA MEGA hotty working there:) i always feel so weird when there is a hot guy like working somewhere *that sounds weird* because REALLY there is nuttin u can do....he was making the burgers but id stare at him and he'd look back, but i mean WHAT DO U DO....i dont wanna continuously stare, so i look away. and that went on for a good 5 min..HAHAHAHHAHA.....it was like a game..id stare at him..then he'd stare..i look away...then id wait and stare back and he'd look away..and so on...HAHAHAHHAHH it was fun..but ya he was hot.

neways enough of my stupid stories of harveys boy.....i took the subway back to STC.

tonite dave was having a "party" but ya i really didnt feel like going. a)i have a ton of hw *yes which im currently NOT doing* b)i think im getting sick...my nose is sooo stuffy and i have a mega headach..c)im TIRED:(

but yes..yesterday was fun so it makes up for all:P ok..back to work i go..
