i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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NEW YEARS 2002 @ 2:32 p.m. on 2002-01-02


so new years u ask? well plan were changing EVERY second of the day...i think we planed on going to dougs, then daves, then nowhere, then FINALLY it was settled on erics.

lindsay was having people over and i wanted to go there too. so doug called me from golden griddle at around 7ish..he, and army came and got me, and we went to blockbuster..*oh of COURCE, without making fun of me first*...we didnt get anything, so we went to erics. it was me, doug, bill, dave, army, greg, and eric. we watched "the oblongs" and "the undergrads" AND played jamesbond on 64. *ya i completely lost everytime*....at midnite we watched "CNN" and the ball drop in new york city:) hehehe. around 1ish dave and greg wanted to "frolic in the snow" so everyone went outside expect eric and bill. it was FUCKING cold, and there wasnt much snow, so we decided to go to golden griddle fro breakfast *yes it was 1am, but oh well*..

i go back into the house to tell eric and bill we were going. i came back outside and dougs car is on, but EVERYONE is standing outside of it. hmm...well DOUG started the car, and LOCKED the keys in the car. so the car is ON and we cant get in...oh man..LUCKY doug had rolled down the window a little. but not enough for us to get in. i ran into the house to ask eric for a coathanger. dave was bugging me, cause he just gave me a book on how to survive worst case senarios, being locked outta your car being one of them..hahhahaha, and i DIDNT have the book with me;*(. dougs car has electricinic locks, so we got the coathanger with hopes we could push the button and unliock it. after MANY trys by me, doug and bill. bill FINALLY got one of the windows down:) YAYAYYA..i think some people thought we were trying to break into a car..hehe.

so we were driving to golden griddle, and doug called lindsay. it was just lindsay and robin at her house so we dropped by. well more than dropped by, we stayed there for a good 2 hrs, and watched legally blonde, and they made fun of dave and his "sexism". hahah, oh ya and i opened my big mouth and said that i could write down 1000 mean things army and doug has said to me. and they ACUALLY got me paper and a pen to write them down. but BAHHH...

neways i woke up the next day at around 1ish, and came home....man i was sooo tired. yesterday i did nothing but sat on my fat ass and watched a real world marathon.. oh man i got SOOO into it. it was the san fransico seasion..and i HATEEEE punk and RIP perdo...oh man...it was sooooo good:) hahaha me and my sister are soo stupid. we watched MTV new years 2002, cause it was replayed. and we celebrated new years again at 11pm last nite..hahahaha. it was fun.

neways i just woke up half an house ago. and i should be working on my hw, but im sooo bahhhhhh. i dunno if im doing nething tonite. oh well. good nite. *why did i just say that?*
