i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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I live to make them proud. @ 4:11 p.m. on 2002-05-13

I think im getting sick. I cant stop sneezing and my head is killing. My sister stayed home today cause she is sick, so she probably gave it to me. GREATTTTT..just what i want, more sickness.

Neways yesterday was pretty good. Let me explain.

My mom has been a bit on the worried side in the last few days for reasons i dont care to discuss,and it is a big problem with the family, but will be solved on wednesday! THANK GOD! let me just say money is evil. NEWAYS, she has been a bit down the last couple of days. So when i went to talk to her, and she said the words "tawnya, get your father, and come into the living room for a family meeting" i got really scared. I MEAN when have we EVER had a family meeting *tarah will be able to answer that,,NEVER!*. I ran downstairs and got my dad, and we proceeded into the living room *which again was weird as well, as we only come in here when we have company*. There sitting on the coffeetable was a blanket covering a box, with a card on top. Right when i saw that, i knew that it wasnt as bad as i thought.

My mom said that it was an early graduation *or late, considering i technically am already graduatied from high school..so lets say a OAC graduation present*...my mom said they are giving it to me now, because maybe it will imspire me to finish all my homework! hahah. i opened the card and of cource WHENEVER i read a card from my parents, i get tears in my eyes.

Tawnya, You have no idea right now how much i love you and you make me so proud. I hope this gift help you through your school work and you have earned everyone of your acomplishments. Your a great kid and always in my heart. Love, Dad

Dear Tawnya, It seems like only yesterday that you were starting Grade nine. Congratulations on your succesful completion of your OAC year (only 29 more days to go!), and on your acceptance into University and the decisions you have made. In a few months you will be off to Brock and hopefully what will be some of the best years of your life: learning, new experiences, meeting new people, and challenging yourself. We are very proud of you! Love from Mom xoxo.

I remember writing that letter to my parents a few months ago when i had my breakdown with school, and i said that i live to make them proud. Oh god, im starting to cry now. I mean i considering dropping out of school in January, because english was bringing me down. In my heart i knew i would regret it so much, and i COULDNT give up, because i dont. Another big part of it was my parents. They never pressure me to doing anything, but i want more than anything in the world for them to be proud of me..oh god...i cant write about this anymore cause im already crying. Happy crying thou.

Neways, let me try to get myself together....So yes my graduation gift is my own laptop computer. :) this made me happy, because a) dont have to share with my sister anymore b)its MINE:) hehe...and i have a computer for univeristy:) My dad acually built it:) Otherwise i really dont think we would be able to afford one...so all yesterday i was sitting on the ass downloading icq, msn, kazaa..etc for this computer:)

That leaf game last night was great. The first 3 minute i and probably everyone eles, thought it was OVER. expecially after Domi got hit, but we came out and won;) DING:)

Ok well my mom is on the phone.so tawnya must go..

YAYAYA i got my taxes back from the government! 110 dollars baby! yes this gets me excited since my current balance is 0.00!! i owe my sister 50 dollars and my mom 20 dollars. SHIT..oh well...MONEY!!!! me and my mom are gonna go to value village tonite:) :)
