i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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aweek of stuff @ 3:04am on 2001-03-10

hey guys..wow its freakin 3 in the morning *saturday morn*..hehehehe well let me take u back to monday..umm cant remeber monday.

tuesday i went to school *DUHH* AFTER school mike was like "darryl is picking u up" so i waited for an hour...and then they came...we drove around and ya. then mike went home and me and darryl went over to his house. i dont remember what we did...like watched tv and stuff...his parents are soo cute..cause i ate dinner with them and they like ask darryl so many questions and he is like ":whatever" HAHAHAH umm mike came over later..ya me and darryl had a "talk" about STUFF i will not metion on her. so ya..he drove me home at 10...

wedneday we got our SATILETE *SP?* ohh wait..i remember what i did on monday..I WORK AT WALMART AND HAD TO CLOSE..errr that suxed...ok back to wednesday..we got SATILETE:) it ROXXXXSS TO THE MAX YAYAYAYAYA..hehehehehehe..yaaaa...

thursday i had like 2 tests and in religion we watched CARTOONS:) it was wixed.....after school i came home then went to walmart MICKY D'S to close yet again...this was bette....well remeber i told u about that sexy guy that is a year younger and he always says hi to me..well he works at walmart and he came in twice..the second time he wass telling me how 2 of the manager got sic k from OUR burgers..HAHAH ya ya..everyone has to blame SUMIN..neways at arounld 9,karen, armstrong, bill and dave came in and told me that they would pick me up at 10:30..so ya....karen came in and helped me at 10...that was cool...i finished then went into the washroom to change..neways as i was coming out the sexy guy *his name is ryan* was like "bye..have a good nite" i was like :lata" HAHA then this other chick was like "ryannn..." he is like "what..she is really hot i gotta say bye" HAHAHHA soo cute...but i think he has a g/f soo BOO..errrrr what is it with me and guys who have G/F..errrrr..neways:) ohh ya..they were waiting for me outside...we were all gonna go to gregs but that CHANGED..soo we drove around pickering and bil had this hockey stick and was knocking over garbag cans and such..HAHAHAH..we then went to the "go station" cause this is pats and adrains "jamming place"...pat, sarah, katie, steph, pat, adrian and devon were there...it was pretty cool..we chilled there for an hour or so...hahhaa IT WAS SOO FUNNNY..adran had this book that he rights in and he was looking at it..i was looking at him and he made the WEIRDEST FACE and i started LAUGHING..he looked at me and laughed.....he showed me this pic that LOOKED like an eye..but it was really a tea pt with a beaver TAIL..hahahahahhaa it was soooo funny *u had to be there*..neways karen had to be home at 12am..but we didnt leave the station til 1215..i got home at 1230am or soo.....watched sum movies on tmn..WIXED...I WOKE up this morning at 130..watched "double jepordy and jawbreaker" on TMN....i had to work at 730..i work ed til 130 and such..now it is 316am..and im tired..tommrow is PARTY TIME..yayayyaa im soo excited:) ok bye my lil sexys
