i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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TWEDLY DUMB @ 3:42 p.m. on 2001-03-31

hey guys

ok thursday: went ta school and i dont remember what happened..i have last period spare and so does pat,matt and jimmy..we didnt want to wait til 230 to pay but MR ROY is a bitch and she said we had to..i gave my money to matt pay 4 me cause i didnt want to wait..my dad picked me up...after school darryl and mike called from sum bus cause they went downtown with school...ya mike was telling me what he bought and how they saw sum homeless dude shit in the middle of the street...the they called again at 430 and they came and picked me up...we went to micky d's and then went back to darryls...they found my watch and DARRYL IS FUCKING DISCUSING..EWW...neways ya i have no idea what we did....mike left at around 6ish maybe...i talked on icq and watched tv...around 730 his sister wanted to go to micky d's..so we drove there...came back and WATCHED SURVIVOR:) JERRI GOT KICKED OFF..that was a BIGGG surprise:) YAYAA BUT A GOOD ONE:) and ya...I WON AGIANST gay darryl:) HAHAHAHHA cause he suxs..ok i have to take down my landrey now..SO ILL BE BACK:)

ok back..U KNOW WHAT WAS THE FIRST CONCERT I WENT TO..beach boys..OHMAN from age 4-12 they were my FAVORITE GROUP EVER..they rox still..im going to listen to them:) i remeber i got soo excite when they were on full house:) HAHAHA ok sorry

neways i got home around 10ish..

FRIDAY: well friday was a half day at school. i got out of school at 10:20am. me and karen took the bus to her co-op which is near altona and kingston. we went out for lunch at this bar and grill..it was OKAY...i walked about 20 min to st monica and then justin jackson and sanders drove by and they gave me a ride HOME..THANX GUYS..u roxxxxxx...i feel alseep watching double jeopardy and woke up around 4..ty and dave called..i called ty back and he was asking if i was going to ross's today *well saturday*..cause ross wanted to know..whatever..and ty is like "u still want to go to prom with me"..LIKE I HAD A CHANGE IN MIND..hahaha im like "why u afraid im going to change my mind...he is like ya...ohh...neways ya...umm..well when my mom got home i went to micky d's and got us dinner...later around 9 dave came and picked up me and karen..HE JUST GOT HIS G2:) congrats:)

we went to laser quest...we called greg cause he was with a bunch of people and they stil hadnt left pickering..so they finally came at 10:15pm maybe...it was greg, his g.f, her friend, doug, eric and matt p. me and dave went into the place and the dude said the next round was "iron man" which means it is double the time *30 min* for only 10 dollars *it normally 7.50* soo that was SWEEEEEEEEEEET..

me and dave came up with the names "twedly dee and twedlydumb" HAHA i was dumb..we didnt tell NEONE:) neways we went in and THERE WAS THIS DUDE jeremy that KEPT GETTING everyone..he was like pro or summin..he was chasing me and karen and we would like scream like crazzzze IT WAS SOOOOOOOO FUN..cause at one point me, karen doug and dave were on a team and i felt like i was part of the FBI or summin..SOOOO funnnn..i came in 3rd and 4th place..STUPID JEREMY won both games..HAHA afterwards we were talking to jeremy and he was making fun of me and karens screamin.HAHAH..well we left at around 11:30pm...me , k, and dave drove back to p-town and went to micky d's..then we drove to the park near my house and talked for half an hour about STUFF..i was relaly tired so dave drove me home at 12:45pm maybe....

THIS morning i had to work at 11..IT SUXED ASS..well greg, ty , jimmy and hubert visited:) YAYAY...

YAYAYA LINDSAY AND JOE..i forgot to metion that they r going out:) i take a lil credit in this..cause i invited all these people tpo this party in thr march break and they met each other:) ohhh SOO YAYAYAYA LINDSAY AND JOE:) they r soo CUTE:) go visit lindsay journal too:)


ok..well im tired..i think im going to ross's party tonite..oh well..BYE MY SEXYS

