i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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strep throat:( @ 3:11 p.m. on 2001-09-27

blah..who wants to trade bodys....cause mine hurts:(

so i went to the doctors yesterday. i looked like SHIT but i REALLY didnt care..i threw on some jeans and a sweater and NO MAKEUP..*wow thats a first*.....and i put my hair up. i didnt CARE if there was like the "hot boy parade" down kingston.....BLAHHH. so we went to the doctors and he right away told me i had strep throat. i always thought u had to lose ur voice to have it..but my mom told me different. he said my glands were REALLY swollen and that i had like puss and my throat was REALLY swollen *yes i know u all LOVE these details*...the eye thing he didnt know where that came from..but he took one of those throat swabs thingy and said he was gonna get it tested and if it came back negitive for strep throat that he would be VERY surprised...he was 100 percent sure it was. so he gave me these anti-biotics and told me it is VERY contagious right now and not to go to school the next day *today*..

blah i mean REALLy when do i EVER want to go to school..but this year i REALLY did not want to miss alot of school..and im all BLAH cause i missed like a test and two quizes and now im gonna have to catch up BIG TIME...im glad i didnt go today cause i FELT like shit again and dont think i would have made it.

i have to go to school tommrowa...but I KNOW it isnt gonna be easy. i have to write up thise assignment today *BAHHHH* which sucks..but ill survive...neways ive been living on bananapopsicles for the last 2 days *how great is that*..and ya....

ok..thanxs to all those who left messages of me GETTING BETTER:) its good to know people care:)

my dad is getting REALLLLLy sick..soo stay AWAY from me:)

