i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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coffee-i feel so old. @ 3:11 p.m. on 2001-12-16

so what is new in the life of tawnya?

WELL friday nite pickering got some CRAZZZZE snow...i woke up friday to my mom telling me how it was gonna be 14 degrees..HMMMM, all was DANDY til around 4pm, when it started snowing, and DIDNT stop;( i hate snow:(

friday nite i didnt end up doing much...everyone was working on projects or the snow was being a bitch. so i went to the mall with my mom. i was surprised how their werent THAT Many people *well i guess the snow gets to people*....ya i was planning on STARTING my shopping, but i just DIDNT feel like spending money. so this weekend looks like my WEEKEND to go crazzzze shopping:( and it is gonna be SOOOOOO busy too:( well at the mall i talked to carrie, which was cool cause i havent talked to her in a while *she is karens ex's friend*..neways well at the mall i had to go pick up my sister from work. if i havent told u all, i quit micky d;s and roger *one of the managers* is like BEGGING ME TO STAY..and i gave my two weeks notice to say my last day would be this tuesday..WELL they schedualed me to work the WEEKEND after i am 'technically" gone..so i went in to talk to roger..hehehe, so ya roger told me he didnt read my letter yet cause he doesnt want me to leave. im suppost to talk to him today so we can find peoplke to take those shifts *really i shouldnt be doing NETHING,,cause it aint MY FAULT...*

so ya, friday nothing exciting.

saturday i had to work from 12:30-6:30..in a weird way i had fun...i was just joking around with everyone, and i was SOOOO surprised how fast news travels....people i have NEVER talked to before knew i had quit..it was weird...and they were like asking "how do u quit"..hahhaa..

karen was working with me too, and i really just wanted to do summin that nite.so we were talking about it, and we just didnt care WHAT we did and pretty much just wanted to go out for coffee. she didnt get off til 8:30 so i told her to call.

i came home and talked to doug..he wanted to chill soon, so he drove down to p-town...he picked me up around 8:15 and drove to micky d's so we could get karen. so we got there and SHE WASNT THERE. mike and darryl were there, so that was cool..hehe darryl stretched his ear by puttin pens in his earrning hole..it looks really good, but he was saying how painful it was....its realy cool thou...me and mike were talking about how we dont talk..NEWAYS, i called karen and she got off early and was at home:(

so we drove back and got karen. we just went to coffee time on altona and we talked about EVERYTHING..u name it, we talked about....we stayed there for a abiut 2 and a half hours *yes u know u live in pickering, when sitting in coffee time is the only thing u CAN DO*...eric was suppost to come meet us there, but he didnt...however bill showed up around 11ish...we were all really tired, so we left. karen went with bill cause she didnt want to go home yet, and doug drove me home...on the way home doug was telling me what is had been thinking about lately....expecially with how weird it is that him and karen are getting along soooooo great *THATS A WHOLE DIFFERENT STORY*..but yes..me and doug ended up sitting in my driveway for about an hour just talkiong about all the things in the past and just about how EVERYTHING is right now....we pretty much talked about everything....it made me reliese how im not alone..i mean WE ARE ALL GOING throu the SAME SHIT..and just how everyone is gonna be going off soon....it was a good talk. i stepped into the house around 1:30.....

so now im just sitting here, tired and having to work in an hour..IT IS MY LAST SHIFT at micky d;s,,,,haha bill is telling me how he is gonna squirt mcchicken sause on me *hahaha they do that to people when they quit*..haha WHATEVER...but ya.

i also developed a sye on my eye...hehehe it is a bad infection on the edge on ur eye, and it looks EWWWW..it is WORSE today and i had to put warm compress on my eye today..OH WELL.....

