i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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punk show-lots of fun! @ 3:15 p.m. on 2002-04-07

hey hey. i think im getting sick:( man this has been a bad year for me getting sick. hopefully ill feel better before the jimmy eat world concert this week!

neways this weekend was pretty good! yesterday i didnt really do anything during the day.

We left for the show around 5:30 yesterday, and picked up andrea and karen. my mom drove us to the scar town center to catch the subway. We met up with lindsay, tim and robin. The subway ride was pretty craze. we had some lady like screaming that she need 2 dollars to eat, meanwhile someone made a comment that "why did you spend 2.25 on the subway then?". I really just hate when people like come up to you and BEG. its just a really uncomfortable situation. I have NO problem at all giving some change to people on the streets that acually do something. like sing, or play an instrument or summin. Neways thats a completely different story.I think i might have to start begging *haha*. i printed out my bank statement yesterday, and GASP i only have 45 dollars to last me til SUMMER. plus i have a 35 dollars phone bill to pay every month. I think i need a job, big time.

So we got downtown and walked down queen street. we stopped at micky d's and quickly got some food cause spoiled plan went on around 7:30, and it was 7:15ish. we got to the Kathedral in good time, and ALOT of people were there. Spoiledplan didnt end up going on til around 8ish. They were really good. They got time caught off thou, cause they took time setting up, and eric talked too much.

Afterwards we headed to the back area with all the couchs and tryed to claim our spot like last time. It took awhile before people we knew came back, but eventually they did. karen bought me a mikes hard, and two beers. i had them pretty quickly considering lindsay had one beer and only drank half in the time i had 3. *OR maybe lindsay is just a REALLY slow drinker!*. It sucked cause sercurity was going around IDing people, and i managed to hide mine, but lindsay got her taken away:*(.

As i was saying last night, and you can read on lindsay and robins journal, i had this dude hitting on me. I was pretty drunk at this time, and dont remember exactly what i was saying to him. But i do remember me making fun of his height *he was shorter than me*..and he kept asking if i was shy, because i kept moving away from him. NO BUDDY, I DIDNT WANT YOU TOUCHING MY ASS WITH A DRUMSTICK,thats all! i guess it was pretty amusing cause all i could hear was people laughing. That went on for a good 15 minutes i think *sorry i really have no sense of time after i started drinking*...

i left with dave, karen, army, and tyler and friend shortly after.Dave drove us back to p-town. we dropped army home, and then went to micky d;s *MAN i needed the washroom sooo bad*. we then headed to chris johnstons house. There was suppost to be a few people going over there cause his parents were in cuba. But he called his friends too late and they were already out. so it was us, chris and farrah. we just talked and watched SNL. it was ok. i was REALLY tired thou. dave drove us all home and ahhh sweet sleep!

neways i have a huge headach and my nose is all stuffy:( bahh..i think im gonna make some food and then have a nap or summin:) oh ya, greg also got accepted to Windsor....thats wixed! however it is his last choice, and greg is really smart, so he'll prob get accepted everywhere eles. Man windsor is just trying to rack all the people in!!!! hehehe....right now, and not just cause i got accepted there, it looks like that is where im gonna be spending my next 4 years!!!!!

