i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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getting to know tawnya! haha @ 8:28 p.m. on 2002-04-27

This isnt my REAL entry for the day..that is right....HERE!! This is the just a little survey that im going to do. because i promised amy id do it before monday, and BOOM its saturday! how do you like that!neways have a nice day and enjoy!

1. First Name: Tawnya

2. Middle Name: Lee

3. Last Name: Mahoney

4. Nicknames: too many. The most common is tawn, tawnie, tawny-frog, rizzo,tawnya lasonia,mahoney balonge�and then there is a big list of names that army, doug and bill made up. *ie-black nips, uppercuts, tips, sister gurtrude,�.*

5. City: Pickering

6. Age: 18

7. Guy or Gal: gal

8. Zodiac Sign: Leo

9. Siblings: 1 sis. Tarah 16

10. Who lives in your house?my mom, dad, sister and my dog bob.

11. Pet(s): BOBBY my dog!

12. Hair Color: naturally med brown, but for the last 7 years blonde

13. Eye Color: brown-green

14. Height: 5'9

15. What hand do you write with: right

16. Hair Length: long! Yup, way below my shoulders

17. Do you bite your nails?: sometimes

18. Where were you born/City?: North York (toronto)

19. Do others think you're cute: my mom does!

20. Shoe Size: 8 1/2


21. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nopes

22. If so what is their name?: no-name

23. If not who would you want to be?: this guy I know. And if you read my journal you would know.!

24. Why don't you ask him/her out?: maybe I will one day. I wanna get to know him better first

25. Are you gay?: sometimes..hahaha nope, cant say I am


26. Where do you shop the most?: nowhere specifically. If I see something, than ill buy,

27. Do you think your fashion is cool?: who cares. I like what I wear and that�s all that matters!

28. Do you have any piercing?: yes. 9. 6 ear. 1 cartologe, 1 rook, and 1 navel.

29. If not, what do you want pierced? Ohhhhh more more more !!! haha I want everything pierced! No. but im definatly gonna be getting more

30. Do you have a tattoo?: nopes.


31. Do you do drugs?: nope

32. Do you drink?: yes

33. Favorite drink/non-alcoholic: Iced Tea or water.

34. Favorite thing to do in your spare time?: sit on the computer and be a nerd

35. What kind of Shampoo do you use?: whatever my mom buys

36. What sport(s) do you play?: currently? None. I used to play baseball, basketball, volleyball, running, curling..

37. What are you most scared of?: dying and being alone

38. If you could go anywhere, where would it be? Europe

39. How often do you cut your toenails?: whenever I look down at my toes and go, eww

40. What are you listening to right now?: the voices in my head

41. Who are you talking to right now?: lindsay, karen, andrew

42. What time is it?: 6:19pm

43. Do you have your own phone line?: nope

44. What's the last four digits of your phone number? Are you trying to get my phone number? Ill give ya the first number. 5

45. What shoes do you wear?: im wearing vans

46. What's your dream car?: convertiable

47. What clothes do you sleep in?: mostly my st mary trackpants and gym shirt

48. What kind of car do you have?: I don�t have one. My parents do!

49. Who is the last person who called you: Karen

50. Where do you want to get married?: in a church?!

51. Who is the hottest guy/girl in your school?: who cares. I hate my school.

52. Would you ever consider dating them?: no.

53. If you could change anything about yourself what would that be?: the way I constantly overanylis everything

54. Who do you really hate?: people.haha

55. What are the ugliest names?: YOURS! JJ. I don�t know�


56. Color: pink

57. Number: 2, 22, 16

58. Memory: soooooo many!

59. Movie: run lola run, memento, the big hit, grease�.

60. Candy: Punkys!

61. Brand of Clothes: clothes

62. TV Show: reality shows

63. Food: pickles

64. Fast food restaurant: mcshits

65. Person to work with: I don�t have a job!

66. Nail polish color: PINK!

67. Subject in school: geo

68. Scent: ralph

69. Bath or Shower?: shower

70. Teacher: hate them all! hahah

71. Game: life

72. Gift from someone: lots-o-things�their love! hahahaha


73. Smoked?:nope

74. Drank?: yes

75. Got drunk?: yep

76. Bungee Jumped?: nope

77. Went movie hopping?: yes

78. Broke the law?: im sure I have, but no big ones.

79. Ran from the cops?: nope.

80. Made yourself throw up?: nope

81. Tried to kill yourself?: nope

82. Gone skinny dipping?: nope

83. Been In Love?: nope

84. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: hahaha ya few times


85. Red: love

86. Cow: milk

87. Pig: bacon

88. Rubber: tires

89. Pinky: and the brain


90. Barfing on your date or date barfing on you?: ewww�bark on the person.

91. Have your Tonsils or your appendix removed?: tonsils


92. Coolest: ALL OF THEM!

93. Weirdest: hmmmm�everyone is weird in their own ways

94. Funniest: EVERYONE..oh man too many laughs!

95. Smartest: karen

96. Happiest: noone stands out.

97. Meanest:oh I can name a few�but its just jokes..i HOPE!...

98. Sweetest: hahaha I don�t know..TOO MANY QUESTIONS

99. Loudest: doug for sure.

100. Quietest: QUIET! Hahaha my friends�.no such thing!

101. Silliest: bill probably

102. Best Friends: karen, we have been BF since gr 7 and I cant imagine my life without her! Lindsay been friends for a year now, and she is just great and fun! my cloest friends would be doug, army, dave and bill.

103. Who do you go to for advice: either karen or lindsay�and if I wanted a guys view doug or army.

104. Who knows all your secrets: karen knows a lot.


105. Steve: the guy I met at scotts house last week.

106. Lindsay: nite-o-funs

107. Jeremy: our student council president

108. Missy: elliot

109. David: this hot guy that works at grand and toy

110. Pat: the car!

111. Roxette: those daning girl in new york

112. JENN: my cousin


113.eaten an entire pack of KD: ewww NEVER..i hate KD

114 Caused a car accident?: ya walking across the street! JJ no.

115.Seen the ocean: many of times


116. Night or Day: night

117. Chocolate Chip or Mint Chip: chocolate chip

118. Ocean or lake: OCEAN!

119. Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla

120. Lion or Tiger: tiger

121. Love or Lust: love

122. Silver or gold: silver

123. Pencil or pen: pen

124. Skirt or jeans: jeans

125. Rose or tulip: blue roses!


126. Cried: nope

127. Bought something: mcshits!

128. Worn a skirt: nope

129. Gone for a walk: if you consider walking in the mall a walk.

130. Gone for a drive: oh ya

131. Gone out for dinner: yep

132. Taken a test: yup. Damn canadian geo

133. Missed an ex: nope.

134. Watched your favourite movie: nope

135. Given someone a present: nope

136. Missed someone: yes

137. Hugged someone: yes

138. Kissed someone: nope

139. Had a nightmare: nope

140. Fought with your parents: ya with my mom cause she yelled at me cause I was driving tooo fast

141. Danced with someone: nope. Just myself


142. What do you feel about the Ouija board: don�t work

143. Do u believe in yourself?sometimes

144. Worst feeling in the world: being unloved

145. Best feeling in the world: love and laughter

146. Are you for world peace: no I mean I WANT the world to be at war. STUPID QUESTION

147. Are you an extrovert/introvert:(outgoing/non): a little of both.

148. Do you have a crush on anyone?: yessss..

149. Who is your crush: :) someone!


150 Do you like filling these out?: not really *but I promised amy*

151 How many people are you sending this to? As many as I WANT

152 Who was the person who sent this to you? amy

153 What do you think of the person that sent this to you?: she is VERY cool. Even thou we havent really ever hung out, she is one cool chicka!

154 Who will send it back: I don�t know..nor so I care!

