i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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old,short,scotish men playing soccer @ 4:47 p.m. on 2002-06-01

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this weather. Im definatly a summer kinda girl.

NEWAYS hi. Yesterday was pretty good. School was a drag as always, handed in my ISU! Afterwards i went to the mall to get something for my moms bday*which is today*, and then headed home.

Me and Karen went out for Dennys at around 8ish.We had a good talk about stuff, and thats always good! hehehe too many jokes...*hmmm this coffee has a twang to it!SMILE*..HAHA..neways ya, that was good.

We finished around 9, then called billy and him and people were playing soccer *yes, its soccer season my friends, so no more flea market hockey*. They were at dunsmore park, so we met up with them there. It was me, karen, bill,eric,matt P, and dan. There was a mens league playing, so we watched them for an hour. HAHAHHAH i swear like 75% of the players were from scotland! THEY had there kick ass accents.

My sister called me at 11 and i went to pick up her and marg from the movies. I then went back to the park, and greg was there. They were all on the field playing soccer. The guys that were playing there before left the lights on for us, and they all just sat on the hill drinking beer! hahaha.. we played for a good 30 min, and then one of the guys blow the whistel and told us they were leaving and had to turn off the lights. So we just sat on the hill, talking. The stupid bums just continued to sit there and drink their beer. So we could have continued to play, but NOOO..haha they finally left and turned off the lights at midnight.

We decided to go to gregs house and eat. I chilled in the basement with matt , karen and bill just looking at french paintings..haha..they made some grilled cheese, and me karen and matt left.

Today ive been in a really crappy mood. I went to the mall with my sister earlyer, and fucking drivers piss me off..this one dude fucking honked at me, cause HE doesnt know how to fucking drive...god, i really hate driving.

Second was my mom told me i cant go to the jimmy eat world concert...i stopped talking to her for about 5 minutes after she told me that..and then i reliesed i was acting like a baby..BUT im still mad. GAAAA...i can only go if i find a way there, and someone to go with me:( my mom doesnt want me taking the car to Hamilton, and i was gonna go with my sis, but now she doesnt want to go:( GRRRRRR..so if ANY of you guys wanna go with me, PLEASEEEEEEE!!!!!:(ILL LOVE YOU FOREVER:) :) :)

neways ya..so last night i was thinking how i dont want a boyfriend, and how im over you know who...me and karen were talking about how if anyone were to start a relationship now, it was just DOOMED to end, unless you both were in the same place, and were TOTALLY in love with the person. I acepted the fact that i want to be single over the summer, and when i go to university in the fall ill be single. So ya, i just said forget that boy.....so lalala everything is fine in tawnya land. Until today when i was out, GUESS WHO I SEE..yup, that boy...GOD, he looked sooooooooo gooooood.....i saw him from far away, and i was just leaving the place, so i didnt get a chance to say hi..BUT MAN..now that whole getting over him CRAP from last night is gone.....gaaaa..damn good looking boys whom are too damn cool........RAAAA..ok...but i still dont want a relationship, but ill always have that thing in the back of my mind of "what would a relationship with him be like......."....Maybe ill still try...i dont know..whatever happens HAPPENS:)

neways today i think im gonna go to mark and kevs for a "jam" HAHAHA..its just people going over there. should be pretty cool. ok bye.

added 5:35- IM AM OFFICALLY THE BIGGEST LOSER IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!! if you REALLY care to know why ask my sister! OH MY GOD...i am the biggest loser in the world, but ALSO THE HAPPIEST girl in the whole world AT THIS MOMENT!!!!!! lets just say it had to do with something i wrote in this entry..and it DOESNT have to do with jimmy eat world *however if i was allowed to go, i would be the HAPPIEST girl in the universe*...i am a loser because the reason i am this HAPPY is soo unbelievable stupid....but yet HE made my day;) :) :) :) ;) :) :) :) :) :) :)
