i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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valentines day? pre date! @ 4:35 p.m. on 2002-02-14

wow..lindsay is one speical girl..u know why??? because i havent dressed up THIS much since my prom!! hahahaha...wow..i didnt even dress this fancy for my graduation....and guess where we are going tonite?? PIZZA HUT!

i have some stories to tell u guys, but i did the CRAPPIEST job EVER shaving my legs..*i think i got like 10 cuts* so i need to clean all the blood running down my leg and staining my skirt.

but i hate this day! because it is soo phoney in so many ways, but that isnt gonna stop me from my datewith lindsay! hehehehe..

"mom, i think im TOOO dressed up for pizza hut, they are gonna think im weird"

"well tawnya, you ARE going to pizza hut on a date with a girl, i think that is weird enough!"

