i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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date,eyes,gregs. @ 12:44 a.m. on 2002-02-16

i had this funny story to ive been wanting to tell you for the last few days, but i havent gotten around to it! and im not in the mood to make this entry REALLY long...so ill tell u tommrowa! it involves a conversation between me, and my mom and me "falling on the stairs hitting my neck" HAHAHA.

so yes! HIIIIII! ive been sooooo unbelievable happy this week! as i said before soooo many people have told me that they havent seen me this hyper and happy..for a LONGGG time. even mike said something, and i rarely talk to him anymore! last nite i did however have a little "breakdown" and started crying...but im better and totally happy! ill start with my v-day date!

wellll i got alllll dressed up for my date with lindsay! my mom got home around 5ish and she took a few pictures of me, and then me and my sister left to lindsays house! hehehe lindsay was looking damn sexy! *hahhaa* and she got me this wixed ass stuff! *i love the picture/picture frame!*...we dropped my sister off..then proceeded to Pizza hut. it surprisenly wasnt busy..and of cource everyone was looking at the two sexynesses! i think the hostess dude was on crack, or so he thought we were. he gave us paper and CRAYONS! sweeet! we talked about a bunch-o-stuff!

we left and it was MEGA busy! we got my sister, and then i dropped lindsay home! i cut off a guy last nite and he honked at me, and TODAy ME AND karen were driving and i was making a left turn and i couldnt see the cars going *soo being the smart person i am* i went thru! and TWO cars honked at me! ive NEVER been honked out, but now 3times in 2 days! i think i should stop driving!

WELLL today we got our report cards! i am oh so very happy with mine! i mean some people might not think they are great, but i was HAPPPY! i got 67 in english *i had NOOO idea what i was getting, and if youve read my diary u know my breakdowns were CAUSED by this class and my teacher* so i was pretty happy,73 in calculus, and 80 in science in society!!! the 80 was AMASING! considering the class average was 65 or something! so my average is 73% and im VERY HAPPY, because there IS HOPE I MIGHT GET INTO A UNIVERSITY! i also got my finite test back today and i got 83% and ive gotten 100% on 2 asssingments and a quiz! im killing that class..and i also got 12/13 on a geo quiz! GOOO ME!!!! it was weird that all this happened today, and i got 3 packages in the mail from universities! i even got a video from windsor!!!!

neways, karen came over to my house around 4 today, and i had a eye doctors appointment at 5:15. so we went there. the doctor pretty much told me that i shouldnt be driving without glasses *maybe THAT explains people honking at me*, and i couldnt read ANYTHING..i felt like shit, because even when she had the lenses on, i COULDNT read the letters! so she gave me a presription, and me and my mom are going to look for glasses tommrowa! hehehe...my mom said that we should try glasses first *for school and driving*, and then if i find i need them all the time, il get contacts!

so me and karen then went to the mall and micky d's! we came back to my house cause my mom needed the car, and she drove us to gregs!

there was me, karen, dave, bill, eric, doug, and devyn at gregs. it wasnt too bad. we watched the hockey game *TERRRIBLE i tell you..*, AND then chilled and watched tv's, played guitars and such! it wasnt a bad night at all. dougs mom drove me home..im REALLY tired! so neways yes! that is all....lata chickens!
