i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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guys are crazy @ 6:41 p.m. on 2002-04-26

second entry of the day. here is the first.

Neways man me and my mom had a GOOD OLD laugh driving home. i dont think ive seen my mom laugh so hard over a stupid story i told her. she was driving and i laughing so hard i thought she might crash the car.

There was this EXTREMELY atrractive boy at harvey with dreadlocks. He was with his mommy and daddy and VERY VERY hot. i pointed that out to my mom as we were leaving, and she was like "tawnya your crazy", because i started dancing as we walked out and had this huge ass smile on my face. WEIRD what hot boys will do to me.

We were driving home from harveys and my mom was saying i have good taste in guys. i was telling her the smilaries between the matt story and the ian story. We somehow ended up talking about how im ready for a realtionship and i added a STUPID COMMENT about how "ive grown as a women" YES IT WAS A JOKE PEOPLE!. the topic of the guys i had "seen" over the last 2 years came up. I got into this huge talk about what adam *aka hickey boy as my mom would call him*. I was telling her why i stoped liking him. she finds it extremely humorious that i HATED his shoes with a passion and how my new therory is guys that wear turtlenecks are gay *inspried by the book milkrun! go read it!*.(no this isnt the reason i stopped liking him,im not that picky!) NEWAYS i started talking about this other boy i was involved with a while ago.

I started cracking up laughing as i remember this one incident that happened with this boy. We went to the movies one fine evening, and as i drove him home, i guess he lend over to kiss me, but instead of kissing me *thank god he didnt*, he hit his head on the mirror. this is when my mom started cracking up laugh. I then looked at the mirror and wounder WHY THE HELL WAS HE LEND SO FORWARD. my mom commented " what the hell was he aiming towards" HAHAHAHAHAHHA...i guess you had to be in the car. My mom told me this story about how in univeristy this creepy guy asked her to go on a date windsurfing and she went for the hell of it. They drove north somewhere, and he just gets outta the car and striped naked. HAHAHAH my mom then told him to drive her home,.

WHAT ARE GUYS THINKING. i mean really, i thought girls were crazy, but guys do some of the stupidest things. Oh well.

well im gonna go watch the hockey game *GO LEAFS!* and then going out! have a good nite all....

its weird, i cant wipe this smile off my face!
