i am who i am.
Tawnya.Pickering,Ontario.DONE high school:).19-yes legal drinking
age.Crazy.Shy at times. Confused. Thinking. Funny.Hyper. Laughing.Evil.Nice.Bitchy.Complaining.Excited.
Weird.Parinod.Truthful.Pierced.Blonde.Looking for Love.Trying to figure out life.

what did you miss?
- - 2006-09-19
haha - 2004-02-25
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road......" - 2002-10-14
so long sweet summer. - 2002-09-04
not goodbye - 2002-09-02

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I have no title..how about, PINK HIPPOS ARE COOL. @ 2:44 p.m. on 2002-06-12

GRRRR...thats how i feel right now. im GRRRing to myself, but also reliesing a few things. I dont know what thou. I was just talking to him, and i REALLY honestly dont know what im thinking. HMMMMMMMMM.....OK..thats for another time and place to think about.

SO ya. Hi! how is everyone? Im pretty good, besides that the last 10 minutes just sorta messed me up again. Damn boys, always get me thinking!

Last night was a pretty good night. Let me explain. My mom like i metioned before has been bugging me NON-STOP to work on my assignment i have due friday *i acually should start it after i write this*...so i was planning on starting last night. Around 6:30 my sister comes upstairs, and says she is going to the store with Alex later tonight. To refresh peoples memories or inform people who dont know who he is...He lives down the street from me acually, and i met him about a year and a bit again *yes, and we have both lived in this neighbourhood for 8 years now!*.I met him at a Punk show in Uxbridge, you can read what happened HERE. So ya, we talked for a bit, i mean i was attracted to him and stuff, and i REALLY dont know why we stopped talking or nothing happened. I mean i guess you can blame it on me and my stupidness. Now that i think of it, i really do not know what happened, with other guys i could tell you why nothing happened, but with Alex, i dont know!

Anyways, so ya....I havent hung out with him, or really had a conversation with him in the last year...So my sister metioned she is gonna hang out with him, because she has never met him *ANOTHER thing that shocked me, i could have SWORN they met before, oh well, tawnya is wrong again!*..I told my sister i was gonna go with her, cause i hadnt seen alex in so long, and i just wanted to hang out.

So Tarah took my rollerblades, and i took her bike and we went to Alex's, and we went to the corner store. Tarah bought us icecream *your great tarah!*, and we chilled at the park for a bit, just catching up on stuff! Headed back to my house, and tarah invited alex to come in...

This is when all the stories came out! *hahaha..alex you asshole *JUST JOKING!!!*...We were watching the Mole, alex told us all his stories about his many girls *hahaha*. Then somehow it turned to me, OH LETS JUST GET ALL THE DIRT ON TAWNYA! Tarah made a comment about how bad some of my experiences were. Of cource Alex wanted to hear the stories.

"So how many other guys have you just stopped talking to" Alex said. -OUCH! that one hurt! Then the comment from alex saying "Tawnya i think you just like guys liking you...." I got mad after that comment, half jokingly thought, but still, ive been thinking about that one. In a sense it is ture. Ive always been like that, i like guys giving me attention, but on the other hand i like the "chase"..I like the attention, because otherwise i end up like i am right now with the current guy, NOT KNOWING weither or not he is interesting, and it DRIVES ME INSANE! I dont know, it was good chilling with alex again. I miss that kid, whether he knows it or not. I hope that we start hanging out more *considering he lives DOWN THE STREET*..He might be reading this entry, as he knows where my diary is, and used to read it back in the day. So ya.

He left at around 10:30, and i IMMEDIATLY went to sleep. So damn tired. Right now, im all alone in my house...i feel so muggy and made my hair all freezy...Im going to fill out the OSAP form tonight with my mom, they probably wont give us money..blah.

Thats all my friends, til next time!
